Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The wholesale shows have passed and the next ones aren’t happening until January/February, right? So what happens when you have clients that did not visit your booth at the recent wholesale shows or you simply have not heard from them.

You are probably wondering why? what happened? was my product good enough for their clientele?  and  did my product met their sales expectations? etc., etc.…One of the main things your have to find out is making sure they have received your information which means your new catalog, brochure, etc., etc.…

Don’t wait to find out that the post office did not deliver your wholesale catalog and that you lose an order because of that. That just happened to me. I was hoping to get an  order from a very important client BUT GUESS WHAT? my client never got my catalog and when I spoke with her she told me. I am really sorry because I already placed all my orders for the rest of this year. So please contact me back in January. OH WELL! maybe it wans;t my time BUT I was really upset. Although I learned a lesson. With your VIP’s make sure you mail your wholesale catalogs via certified mail.


Anyways…as the fall is coming and the weather is changing I can not just sit down and wait for calls to come in to get orders from my clients. So I am actively calling my clients to make sure they have received my wholesale catalog and if they want to place another order.

Following up is SO IMPORTANT! Don’t feel bad by calling and getting feedback on your product. Every time we learn something and don’t be afraid of hearing some constructive critic.

Surprisingly, few businesses actively follow up with their existing clients. This is a mistake. Your existing customers produce more sales at a lower cost to you. They already know and trust you.

If you follow up, it will help you to identify problems that customers had but didn’t complain about. This will allow you to resolve those problems and keep those customers. You are providing excellent customer service, and you will generate positive and ongoing word of mouth advertising about your company.

You can read  Word of Mouth Advertising for more on this subject.

Marketers tell us that it costs 5 - 8 times the amount of money to get a new customer than it does to keep an existing customer satisfied. Well, it’s true. Think of customer retention as pebbles rolling down a mountainside. Happy customers spread the word, and soon you can have an avalanche on your hands. Follow up is the key.  

Follow up works to build customer loyalty. It’s how you tell your customers that they are important. Research shows that 68% of customers that don’t return to a company say that the company never contacted them, was indifferent, or had a poor attitude. Sending your customers follow up letters is the solution.

And of course your competition is trying to win your customers. But you can beat them. A follow-up personal note is more powerful that a full page ad in the New York Times. If you invest in your customers, they will keep bringing – and sending – you business for life. No competitor will be able to win them away if you stay in contact and follow up with your customers.

For more information of Professional Follow Up

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